Magento Order Verification
Magento Order Verification helps to prevent fake orders by verifying order verification using OTP sent to the registered mobile number at checkout.
A fake order is usually done out of sheer mischief or to play the prank with the store. The Magento stores must have a foolproof system to differentiate between genuine and fake orders. Meetanshi's Magento Order Verification extension helps to prevent fake orders with OTP verification at the checkout step.
The extension allows the customers to place an order only after order verification. For that, he/she has to verify the order via OTP sent to the registered mobile number and then only place an order!
Save yourself from the management efforts of packing, shipping and delivering a fake order! Moreover, the Magento Order Verification extension is compatible with Msg91 and Textlocal to send the OTP SMS.
Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento Order Verification
- Verify each order at the checkout step using the OTP sent to the registered mobile number.
- Ensure security by restricting fake orders.
- Offers compatibility with Msg91 and Textlocal to send the OTP SMS.
- Admin can enable the order verification only for particular payment methods.
- Enable the order verification based on customer groups.
- The checkout page displays the "Verify Mobile Number" button to enter the OTP. After the mobile number verification, the "Place Order" button is shown.
- Option to send a custom text in OTP SMS.
- Display the "Resend" button on checkout with custom text.