Magento Facebook Chat

Magento Facebook Chat by Meetanshi allows merchant to offer live chat facility to customers via Facebook messenger.

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It's all about customer experience for E-commerce business. No matter the quality of product or cheap prices, your customers are going to judge your business based on the support service and how quick you are to solve their issue! Keeping this point in mind, Meetanshi has developed Magento Facebook Chat extension. It enables customers to avail the live chat support via Facebook messenger.

Facebook messenger is a widely used platform. Being available on such a preferable platform for customers' queries only adds to your improvements in offering the best customer experience! For Magento store owners to get the most out of such a popular messaging platform, the Magento Facebook Chat module is the perfect module.

Improve user experience and let customers communicate freely. Win their trust with Facebook Chat extension for Magento stores!

Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento Facebook Chat

  • Offer live chat support to store customers via Facebook messenger.
  • Instant replies to customers' queries via Facebook messenger contributes to improving customer experience!
  • Enable the chat messenger using Facebook App ID and Page ID.
  • Option to set theme color of the chat icon and chat window.
  • Display custom message for the login and logout greetings in the Facebook messenger.
  • Facilitate customers to use their own Facebook account to communicate with store merchant, place an order or solve their query.

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