Magento 2 SagePay Integration
Magento 2 Sage Pay Integration by meetanshi helps integrate Europe’s Popular Payment Service Provider- Sage Pay with Magento 2 to receive secure payments from customers.
Online payment security is something that can't be overlooked in an online E-commerce store. Magento 2, which is no exception, requires a system where payments can be captured online securely.
Meetanshi’s Magento 2 Sage Pay Integration lets you integrate your Magento store with Sage Pay Payment Gateway for accepting secured payments from customers.
Sage Pay Payment Gateway is a PCI DSS Level 1 payment processor. It offers the top level card security provided by Sagepay. Hence, with the help of the module, customers can enjoy secure online shopping at your store.
The Magento 2 Sage Pay Integration extension supports two types of integration: Sage Pay Form and Sage Pay Direct Pay.
Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento 2 SagePay Integration
For Sage Pay Form Payment:
- Additional security layer through 3D secure to reduce fraud payment transactions and card theft.
- CVC verifications confirm secured payments. This enhances the security of the system.
- Process the payments in Magento 2 store with PCI DSS level 1 compliant processor.
- Allow customers to save their cards for upcoming purchases. It eases the payment process and makes it faster for the customers.
- Direct refund facility for admin to process customers' returns faster which results in better customer service.
- Offers a sandbox mode for testing the payment method.
- Option for gift aid to exempt VAT for particular donation payments.
- Customers can add card details and finish payment using a form in a separate payment page.
For Sage Pay Direct Payment:
- Display Sage Pay logo on the checkout page.
- Offers sandbox mode to test the payment methods.
- The module makes sure to have sufficient card balance with the pre-authorization facility to authenticate customers' cards
- Authorize facility for store owners to quickly capture payments without making requests to SagePay's server.
- The direct payment method allows setting order status for the new orders placed.
- Option for gift aid to exempt VAT for particular donation payments.
- Allow selecting credit card types to accept payments.
- Set the upper and lower limit for the order total amount to allow using the payment method.
- The extension ensures data security by using encryption to send card data on the Sage Pay server
For more information about Magento 2 SagePay Integration, visit: