Magento 2 Guest to Customer

Magento 2 Guest to Customer by Meetanshi automates the guest to registered customers conversion after the checkout step.

Magento 2 Guest to Customer

Magento 2 stores are benefitted in various ways when a guest is converted to a registered customer. Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Guest to Customer extension that automates the guest user conversion to registered customers from the admin panel.

The extension allows easy registration at the store. Moreover, it helps to collect the maximum customer database that can be used for marketing purposes. This information can also be used to offer a personalized experience to the store customers.

With the Guest to Customer for Magento 2, the customers can have a quick purchase and checkout with the saved billing information. With better facilities for registered customers than guest users, win their trust and build a loyal customer relationship!

Benefits of Meetanshi's Magento 2 Guest to Customer Extension

  • Facilitates admin to convert guest users to registered customers after checkout.
  • Assign the suitable customer group when automatically converting a guest user to registered customer.
  • When a converted customer places an order with the previous guest user Email ID, the module assigns this order and all the previous orders to the new account automatically.
  • Send the new account credentials and link to the login page in the notification Email to the newly converted customers.
  • Select the desired notification Email template.
  • Facilitate easy registration at the store.
  • Collect customer data which can be used to improve the marketing efforts.

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